Friday, February 1, 2013

21st Century Polynesian Women - A Photography Exhibition

All throughout 2013, I will be working on an ongoing photography project that showcases the beauty of our island women and the future that they will take part in as they move through the world and take their place among the women who have walked before them and those that will come after them.

What characteristics will they need to develop if they want to mold the world into a place that is most desirable to them and supportive of their lifestyles and futures?  What lifestyle do they want to have?  What will it look like?  How can they mold themselves and their futures to become wives and mothers in their future families and outstanding members of their community?   What characteristics will they need to draw from the past and bring with them into that future?  The women who came before them had a definite idea about their culture and what the lives of their children should and would look like.  The traditions of Polynesia go back thousands of years; and now these young women are entering a time where the modern world has come to their shores and is asking them to adapt to its ways.  Is the world right, or are their ancestors?  These are the questions these girls face every day.

Walk with me this year and meet them.  Learn the characteristics that they have chosen to develop and their hopes and dreams of a future that above all else is dedicated to saving these islands for their posterity and molding the future of these islands to best suit their families, as it has for thousands of years, and generation after generation.

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